Complications of Screening: Get-rich-quick and Town and Gown

Critics of cancer screening worry that criminal elements will harm people by providing get-rich-quick screening programs that offer poor quality services.

They also have concern that community screening centers will not be able to provide the high quality of service provided by academic centers.

These were valid concerns, but they are no longer problematic.

A number on community lung cancer screening programs in the IELCAP consortium have results equal to or better than results from university screening programs.

The Lung Cancer Alliance started an initiative to ask screening centers to endorse a rigorous standard of quality in lung cancer screening.

The American College of Radiology (ACR) went a step further and put in place a system of training and registration of quality assurance so that consumers can be confident that they will receive safe, high-quality services when they receive care at a center certified by ACR.

Complications of Screening: cost-effectiveness and diversion of resources